What does the chapter opening story about the conviction and imprisonment of Bruce Glover suggest about punishment in the United States quizlet?

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Terms in this set (35)

Using the terms of Robert Merton's strain theory, which of the following concepts correctly describes the behavior of a school "dropout" who rejects both cultural goals and the conventional means to reach them?

A. innovator
B. ritualist
C. retreatist
D. rebel

C. retreatist

"Crime" differs from "deviance" in that crime

A. is always more serious.
B. is usually less serious.
C. refers to a violation of norms enacted into law.
D. involves a larger share of the population.

C. refers to a violation of norms enacted into law.

Walter Reckless and Simon Dinitz claimed that "good boys" have the ability to control deviant impulses. They called their analysis

A. differential opportunity theory.
B. containment theory.
C. libido theory.
D. differential association theory.

B. containment theory.

What does the story about the conviction and imprisonment of Bruce Glover suggest about punishment in the United States?

A. Crime truly does pay; the criminal justice system should hand down stiffer punishments to criminals.
B. Convicts can lose everything important to them while in prison and, after release, they often struggle to fit back into society.
C. The U.S. criminal justice system truly rehabilitates criminals effectively.
D. After criminals get out of prison, society welcomes them back with open arms.

B. Convicts can lose everything important to them while in prison and, after release, they often struggle to fit back into society.

The value of psychological theories of deviance is limited because

A. very few people experience an "unsuccessful socialization."
B. there has been very little research of this kind.
C. there is no way to distinguish "normal" from "abnormal" people.
D. most people who commit serious crimes have normal psychological profiles.

D. most people who commit serious crimes have normal psychological profiles.

Edwin Sutherland's differential association theory links deviance to

A. how labeling someone as deviant can increase the deviant behavior.
B. the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage conventional behavior.
C. how well a person can contain deviant impulses.
D. how others respond to the race, ethnicity, gender, and class of the individual.

B. the amount of contact a person has with others who encourage or discourage conventional behavior.

Based on your reading, it would be correct to say that biological approaches offer

A. a very limited understanding of crime.
B. a good explanation of most crimes.
C. a good explanation of violent crime.
D. a good explanation of property crime.

A. a very limited understanding of crime.

According to the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based primarily on

A. how often the act occurs.
B. the moral foundation of the culture.
C. how harmful the act is to the public as a whole.
D. differences in power between various categories of people.

D. differences in power between various categories of people.

Organized crime refers to

A. illegal actions by people with white-collar jobs.
B. illegal actions on the part of a corporation or large business.
C. crime involving the cooperation of two or more businesses.
D. any business that supplies illegal goods or services.

D. any business that supplies illegal goods or services.

In his study of New England's Puritans, Kai Erikson concluded that

A. people everywhere, for the most part, define the same things as deviant.
B. very religious people create very little deviance.
C. even this disciplined and highly religious group created deviance to clarify the moral boundaries of their community.
D. the proportion of people in the population that the Puritans defined as deviant kept rising over time.

C. even this disciplined and highly religious group created deviance to clarify the moral boundaries of their community.

Men, who represent about half the U.S. population, account for about _____ of all arrests for property crime.

A. 33 percent
B. 50 percent
C. 62 percent
D. 98 percent

C. 62 percent

In terms of racial categories, MOST of the people arrested for FBI Index crimes in the United States are

A. white.
B. African American.
C. people of mixed race.
D. of Hispanic ancestry.

A. white.

The concept criminal recidivism refers to

A. young people growing up in a criminal environment.
B. efforts by police to enlist help from people in a local community.
C. later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes.
D. the idea that crime does "pay."

C. later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes.

Using the terms in Robert Merton's strain theory, which of the following concepts correctly describes the behavior of a radical activist who rejects just about everything in the existing society in favor of some alternative system?

A. innovator
B. ritualist
C. retreatist
D. rebel

D. rebel

Which of the following are functions of deviance noted by Emile Durkheim?

A. Deviance affirms cultural values and norms.
B. Responding to deviance promotes social unity.
C. Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries.
D. All of these are correct.

D. All of these are correct.

Both Albert Cohen and Walter Miller argue that deviance is MOST likely to arise among

A. high-income males.
B. middle-class men and women.
C. low-income youths.
D. all class levels.

C. low-income youths.

A judge sentences a young man who has committed several crimes to counseling and places him in a supportive foster home. Which of the following concepts describes these efforts to prevent further wrongdoing?

A. retribution
B. deterrence
C. social protection
D. rehabilitation

D. rehabilitation

Because there are several hundred people in the United States for every police officer, police

A. ignore most crimes they learn about.
B. work, on average, many more hours than other workers.
C. cannot take time to ensure due process for most suspects.
D. use discretion in deciding which situations warrant their attention.

D. use discretion in deciding which situations warrant their attention.

In legal terms, a crime is composed of which two components?

A. the act and criminal intent
B. a criminal and a victim
C. the act and the social harm
D. the law and the violation

A. the act and criminal intent

Whether people respond to deviance as a moral issue or a medical matter affects which of the following?

A. who responds-police or medical personnel
B. whether the person is subject to punishment or treatment
C. how personally competent the person is assumed to be
D. All of these are correct.

D. All of these are correct.

In the United States, men account for about _____ of all arrests for violent crime.

A. about 20 percent
B. about 40 percent
C. about 60 percent
D. about 80 percent

D. about 80 percent

Which of the following are advantages of community-based corrections?

A. reducing prison overcrowding
B. reducing costs of dealing with offenders
C. avoiding the hardships of prison life, including the stigma attached to being incarcerated
D. All of these are correct.

D. All of these are correct.

The likelihood a person will be arrested for a street crime rises sharply

A. during the late teenage years.
B. in the late twenties.
C. during the middle thirties.
D. over age forty.

A. during the late teenage years.

Most criminal cases handled by the criminal justice system in the United States are resolved

A. through plea bargaining.
B. with a judge dismissing all charges.
C. with convictions after a courtroom trial.
D. with a suspect being convicted and sentenced to prison.

A. through plea bargaining.

In Robert Merton's strain theory of deviance, which of the following concepts refers to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting the conventional means to achieve them?

A. innovation
B. ritualism
C. retreatism
D. rebellion

A. innovation

Thomas Szasz made the controversial assertion that

A. having a physical or mental illness is grounds for a person to be labeled "deviant."
B. most people in the United States will become insane for some period during their lives.
C. mental illness is a myth; these conditions simply amount to differences in others that we don't like.
D. our society does not do nearly enough to treat the mentally ill.

C. mental illness is a myth; these conditions simply amount to differences in others that we don't like.

Of all the property crimes discussed in the chapter, one occurs far more than all the others. Which one is it?

A. motor-vehicle theft
B. larceny-theft
C. robbery
D. forcible rape

B. larceny-theft

Which of the following refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf?

A. corporate crime
B. organized crime
C. victimless crime
D. secondary deviance

A. corporate crime

Which of the following statements illustrates the "medicalization of deviance"?

A. theft being redefined as a "compulsive stealing"
B. drinking too much being redefined as "alcoholism"
C. promiscuity being redefined as a "sexual addiction"
D. All of these are correct.

D. All of these are correct.

A hate crime is defined as

A. any crime against a person who is a minority.
B. any crime involving anger or other powerful emotion.
C. a criminal act motivated by race or other bias.
D. any violation of antidiscrimination laws.

C. a criminal act motivated by race or other bias.

Victimization surveys show that the actual amount of crime in the United States is about _____ what official reports indicate.

A. half as great as
B. the same as
C. more than twice as high as
D. ten times greater than

C. more than twice as high as

Every society tries to regulate the behavior of individuals; this general process is called

A. a neighborhood watch.
B. self control.
C. social control.
D. the legal system.

C. social control.

The basic idea behind labeling theory is that

A. deviance is actually useful in a number of ways.
B. deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do.
C. power has much to do with how a society defines deviance.
D. All of these are correct.

B. deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do.

"Crimes against the person" includes all of the following EXCEPT

A. murder.
B. aggravated assault.
C. burglary.
D. forcible rape.

C. burglary.

Criminal statistics gathered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reflect

A. all crimes that take place.
B. offenses cleared by arrest.
C. offenses resulting in a criminal conviction.
D. offenses known to the police.

D. offenses known to the police.

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