whitesboro là gì - Nghĩa của từ whitesboro

whitesboro có nghĩa là

Schoo in Whitesboro, NY, USA (aka Wboro, Hell, or just simply Whitesboro) that has mostly hoes and bitches. Not all girls in the school are like that tho. Some are nice and really good friends in the long run, but most of them aren't. Most of the guys belong with all their friends in the tool box, and are just ass wipes and similar to the girls, can be nice, but most are not. One of the assistant principals are pretty chill, but the other is a different story. The bathrooms by the auditorium are usually locked, cuz a lot of senior guys got head from freshman girls there. It wasn't only seniors and freshmen. After a while, every grade got in on it, prompting other things to go down in there, like 69's, Helicopters, weed smoking, and a shit-ton of other shit. Then, people caught on, and all the shit moved to the elevator. Not quite the same thing, but it served it's purpose. Smoking went to the stairwell, but a couple of retards in 2013-14 thought it was a good idea to light up some pot in the middle of the hallway. Not a good idea on their parts. Not many fights happen any more, but when they do, the whole school will know about it in like 5 minuets. Kids just stand in the Pit, which was supposed to be a swimming pool or some shit like that. Also, according to a guy, (Austin Moreau) despite it being in NY, it's designed with a tropical design, which makes no damn sense. According to him, it explains why the school is so fucking cold in the winter time.


Guy 1: Hey, I start school at Whitesboro High School this year.
Guy 2: Bruh, you'll get mad head.
Guy 1: Nice bruh.

whitesboro có nghĩa là

The Whitesboro seal shows a "friendly" wrestling match between the founder Hugh White and an Oneida (Native American) chief. Although it appears extremely racist to outsiders who see it more as a white man cruelly choking a native american to death.

People within and outside the area often become partial to the area food, which includes tomato pie, chicken riggies, and half moon cookies. Some popular local restaurants include Franco's Pizza, Tony's Pizza, and don't forget Joe's Pizza. The Whitesboro Star Bakery is also a nice place to get fresh, higher quality baked goods and breads, although most prefer Holland Farms of Yorkville since most people don't even know of the bakery's existence. Flagg St. is the area's centrally located park.

The town is apparently and/or approximately 98% white. Many Italian and Polish immigrants and white people make up the town's demographic. Most people either are trying to leave the area or have a high sense of pride in their area. Whitesboro is known primarily as a town of white mediocrity by outsiders. Some people from the area often appear to feel superior to other people within their economic class, when they are just as poor and are not so glamorous themselves.

Historically, the town is located over the old Erie Canal. which is now route 69, which is also known as the Oriskany Boulevard.

Whitesboro High School is home to the Whitesboro Warriors. Also, their football team is known as the Big Blue Wrecking Crew. Hockey and basketball are also pretty popular teams at the school. The highschool has an excellent music department, including their band and impressive sized orchestra. People from the town and towns that attend the area highschool flock to the "Chiz-Frye Stadium" for the Friday night football games. Most of the students voted on the name will say that they did not even know who Allen "chiz" Frye was or why he was important. He was a local man who made it into the hall of fame for excellence in sports leadership. Without the knowledge of what "Chiz" Frye meant, the name of the stadium, it may reflect how the area, which is mainly composed of white people are often referred to as wanna-be-black because many of the school children recount that they thought it was voted on because it sounded cool, "black", or thought chiz referred to "getting high". It also may reflect the numerous burn-outs in the population since "chiz", if you look it up in the Urban Dictionary also refers to the code name for bong usage or as the Black Eyed Peas put it, "let's get retarded in ha'" since chiz also means to get retarded which also translates to doing drugs and that the students who voted on it had no idea what or who "chiz" frye was to Whitesboro history.


Whitesboro Highschool Student: Newhartford sucks balls!
Friend: (Unresponsive and stoned out of their mind)
Whitesboro Highschool Student: I'll see you at "The Pit" (referring to an area in the highschool where a swimming pool was supposed to be but now is the pre class hang out spot). Later.
Friend: ...


Wanna-be-black Friend: Where are you working now?
Area College Student: Byrne-out Dairy next to Whitesboro Middle School.
Wanna be black Friend: huh? oh yeah. Wicked sweet fo' shizzle I'll see you there
Area College Student: Yeah. Let's blaze.
Wanna-be-black Friend: O4' sho

whitesboro có nghĩa là

in sex when you use an ice dildo and it melts in her vagina and when fully melted you drink the cold water from her pussy


yeah dude she finnally let me give her a whitesboro water bottle, it tasted like the blue gatorade.

whitesboro có nghĩa là

A decaying town in Upstate New York, known for flooding, meth labs, and racist white people.


Whitesboro guy: "The Halloween flood ruined the meth lab in my basement."