Lỗi there was a problem while playing touch to retry

How do you know that they are added to disk? and what is mean by disk here? Do you mean external store such as SD card?

If you mean SD card, then that is unlikely as YouTube Offline feature save all downloaded videos on internal storage (and not on disk/SD card), something like below location:

Internal storage/Android/data/com.google.android.youtube/files/Offline/(system generated folder name)/streams

You can check this for more details on storage of YouTube Offline video location.

downloads were all completed successfully

Again, how did you verify this?

The important point is anything you save will be accessible for 48 hours in the offline section on the left-hand sliding menu, of YouTube App. Even if the file is there, YouTube won't list it if it's already expired. The permission is controlled on their server per account basis, to access those downloaded files.

You can try below quick steps to see if you Offline feature is working:

  1. Download at least 1 video and as soon as you finish download Turn-off Internet (3G/4G/Wi-Fi).
  2. Open YouTube App, and go to offline section on the left-hand sliding menu, of YouTube App.
  3. You should now see this recently downloaded video there, just try to play it. YouTube should immediately start play (remember, we turned off internet in step-1, still app should play video as it is offline and already downloaded on your phone)

Caution: You will lose all Downloaded Offline YouTube videos, when you "Uninstall Updates" of YouTube App.

Some YouTube users on iPhone and iPad have noticed that videos fail to play at random, instead showing an error message that says “Something went wrong. Tap to retry”.

YouTube is apparently aware of the issue, as it is being commonly reported by many iPhone and iPad users on Twitter and throughout social media.

If you experience the issue, it’s fairly obvious. You go to play a video, and it will randomly not play and instead show a black screen with an error message that states “Something went wrong. Tap to retry”. If you tap to retry, either nothing happens and the error message stays, or it spins and reappears.

Update the YouTube App on iPhone / iPad

The first thing you should do is update the YouTube app on iPhone or iPad, since YouTube will undoubtedly be fixing this issue with a bug fix update.

Go to the App Store > Updates and install updates to YouTube app on your device.

Update iOS / iPadOS

You will want to make sure your iPhone or iPad is up to date on the latest system software version available for the device.

Go to Settings > General > Software Update and install whatever system software updates are available on your device.

If you don’t have iOS 16.2 or iPadOS 16.2 or newer, install the latest versions until you do.

Reboot the iPhone / iPad

You can often temporarily resolve the “Something went wrong” YouTube error on iPhone or iPad by rebooting the device.

This will typically let you watch a few more videos, but it will likely happen again until the issue is resolved completely, or you update your apps and system software.

You can hard reboot and force restart, or you can soft reboot by turning the device off and on, or you can ask Siri to restart your iPhone or iPad.

Did this resolve the “Something went wrong” YouTube error on your iPhone or iPad? Did you find another solution? Let us know in the comments.