Add List to ComboBox C#

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How To Bind Combobox with Database in C#? This article learn about Bind Combobox in C# From List .C# controls are located in the Toolbox of the development environment, and you use them to create objects on a form with a simple series of mouse clicks and dragging motions. A ComboBox displays a text box combined with a ListBox, which enables the user to select items from the list or enter a new value .

The DropDownStyle property specifies whether the list is always displayed or whether the list is displayed in a drop-down. The DropDownStyle property also specifies whether the text portion can be edited. See ComboBoxStyle for the available settings and their effects. There is no setting to always display the list and disallow entering a new value. To display a list to which no new values can be added, use a ListBox control.

To add or remove objects inw the list at run time, use methods of the ComboBox.ObjectCollection class (through the Items property of the ComboBox). You can assign an array of object references with the AddRange method. The list then displays the default string value for each object. You can add individual objects with the Add method. You can delete items with the Remove method or clear the entire list with the Clear method.

In addition to display and selection functionality, the ComboBox also provides features that enable you to efficiently add items to the ComboBox and to find text within the items of the list. With the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods, you can add a large number of items to the ComboBox without the control being repainted each time an item is added to the list. The FindString and FindStringExact methods enable you to search for an item in the list that contains a specific search string.

You can use these properties to manage the currently selected item in the list, the Text property to specify the string displayed in the editing field, the SelectedIndex property to get or set the current item, and the SelectedItem property to get or set a reference to the object.

Let’s to practice example combobox with datasource C# :

  1. Create database in mysql with name “test” and create table with name “user” ,we will use data from field “title” to load in combobox list like the below.
Add List to ComboBox C#

2. Create a new application project. In Visual Studio, on the menu click File> New > Project. For more details, see the following menu on the display.

Add List to ComboBox C#

3. Then will appear the window New Project like the look below.

Add List to ComboBox C#

4. Write down the name of the project that will be created on a field Name. Specify the directory storage project by accessing the field Location. Next, give the name of the solution in the Solution Name. Then click OK.

Add List to ComboBox C#

5. Create a new windows form like the below.

Add List to ComboBox C#

6. Create a new class for connection database and write the following program listing :

7. Next step, Back to windows form and view code to write the following program listing:

8. . After you write down the program listings, press the F5 key to run the program and if you successfull connect your database the result is :

Add List to ComboBox C#

We have explained how to bind combobox C#, for those of you who want to download the source code of the program also can.. Hopefully this discussion is helpful to you.

You can see Bind Combobox In C# From List from Github project in Here.

Thank you for reading this article about Bind Combobox In C# From List, I hope this article is useful for you. Visit My Github about .Net Csharp in Here

List controls:

The ComboBox control is in many ways like the ListBox control, but takes up a lot less space, because the list of items is hidden when not needed. The ComboBox control is used many places in Windows, but to make sure that everyone knows how it looks and works, we'll jump straight into a simple example:

ComboBox Item #1 ComboBox Item #2 ComboBox Item #3
Add List to ComboBox C#

In the screenshot, I have activated the control by clicking it, causing the list of items to be displayed. As you can see from the code, the ComboBox, in its simple form, is very easy to use. All I've done here is manually add some items, making one of them the default selected item by setting the IsSelected property on it.

Custom content

In the first example we only showed text in the items, which is pretty common for the ComboBox control, but since the ComboBoxItem is a ContentControl, we can actually use pretty much anything as content. Let's try making a slightly more sophisticated list of items:

Red Green Blue
Add List to ComboBox C#

For each of the ComboBoxItem's we now add a StackPanel, in which we add an Image and a TextBlock. This gives us full control of the content as well as the text rendering, as you can see from the screenshot, where both text color and image indicates a color value.

Data binding the ComboBox

As you can see from the first examples, manually defining the items of a ComboBox control is easy using XAML, but you will likely soon run into a situation where you need the items to come from some kind of data source, like a database or just an in-memory list. Using WPF data binding and a custom template, we can easily render a list of colors, including a preview of the color:

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; namespace WpfTutorialSamples.ComboBox_control { public partial class ComboBoxDataBindingSample : Window { public ComboBoxDataBindingSample() { InitializeComponent(); cmbColors.ItemsSource = typeof(Colors).GetProperties(); } } }
Add List to ComboBox C#

It's actually quite simple: In the Code-behind, I obtain a list of all the colors using a Reflection based approach with the Colors class. I assign it to the ItemsSource property of the ComboBox, which then renders each color using the template I have defined in the XAML part.

Each item, as defined by the ItemTemplate, consists of a StackPanel with a Rectangle and a TextBlock, each bound to the color value. This gives us a complete list of colors, with minimal effort - and it looks pretty good too, right?


In the first examples, the user was only able to select from our list of items, but one of the cool things about the ComboBox is that it supports the possibility of letting the user both select from a list of items or enter their own value. This is extremely useful in situations where you want to help the user by giving them a pre-defined set of options, while still giving them the option to manually enter the desired value. This is all controlled by the IsEditable property, which changes the behavior and look of the ComboBox quite a bit:

ComboBox Item #1 ComboBox Item #2 ComboBox Item #3
Add List to ComboBox C#

As you can see, I can enter a completely different value or pick one from the list. If picked from the list, it simply overwrites the text of the ComboBox.

As a lovely little bonus, the ComboBox will automatically try to help the user select an existing value when the user starts typing, as you can see from the next screenshot, where I just started typing "Co":

Add List to ComboBox C#

By default, the matching is not case-sensitive but you can make it so by setting the IsTextSearchCaseSensitive to True. If you don't want this auto complete behavior at all, you can disable it by setting the IsTextSearchEnabled to False.

Working with ComboBox selection

A key part of using the ComboBox control is to be able to read the user selection, and even control it with code. In the next example, I've re-used the data bound ComboBox example, but added some buttons for controlling the selection. I've also used the SelectionChanged event to capture when the selected item is changed, either by code or by the user, and act on it.

Here's the sample:

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; namespace WpfTutorialSamples.ComboBox_control { public partial class ComboBoxSelectionSample : Window { public ComboBoxSelectionSample() { InitializeComponent(); cmbColors.ItemsSource = typeof(Colors).GetProperties(); } private void btnPrevious_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if(cmbColors.SelectedIndex > 0) cmbColors.SelectedIndex = cmbColors.SelectedIndex - 1; } private void btnNext_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if(cmbColors.SelectedIndex < cmbColors.Items.Count-1) cmbColors.SelectedIndex = cmbColors.SelectedIndex + 1; } private void btnBlue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cmbColors.SelectedItem = typeof(Colors).GetProperty("Blue"); } private void cmbColors_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Color selectedColor = (Color)(cmbColors.SelectedItem as PropertyInfo).GetValue(null, null); this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(selectedColor); } } }
Add List to ComboBox C#

The interesting part of this example is the three event handlers for our three buttons, as well as the SelectionChanged event handler. In the first two, we select the previous or the next item by reading the SelectedIndex property and then subtracting or adding one to it. Pretty simple and easy to work with.

In the third event handler, we use the SelectedItem to select a specific item based on the value. I do a bit of extra work here (using .NET reflection), because the ComboBox is bound to a list of properties, each being a color, instead of a simple list of colors, but basically it's all about giving the value contained by one of the items to the SelectedItem property.

In the fourth and last event handler, I respond to the selected item being changed. When that happens, I read the selected color (once again using Reflection, as described above) and then use the selected color to create a new background brush for the Window. The effect can be seen on the screenshot.

If you're working with an editable ComboBox (IsEditable property set to true), you can read the Text property to know the value the user has entered or selected.

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